Born to Live

October 06, 2013

Done as album art for D.C. Fallout's upcoming "Objector;" here's the front cover illustration.
It is a zombified soldier strapped with homemade suicide bombs! Classy!

Here's the back cover. DC Fallout fans may recognize some names if they look closely at the dog tags...
This is more or less what the 12" vinyl will look like.

Here's the art for the digipak disc tray, as well as for the disc itself. Rockin'
Here's the digipak layout. Note the credits page (which will fold onto the backside of the front cover) - overlayed with military blueprints for that "gritty, yet planned" feel.

This is what will appear on the back of the fold-out miniposter that comes with the album. Overlayed blueprints again, but not overpowering the text.

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